City Trip

What ?
On Monday the 20 of November we went to the city.
We went to the Canterbury Museum and the Canterbury art gallery.Also we did a city walk.

So What ?
In the art galley there was Len lye sculptures and and the lights were chairs.In the museum we learnt how they light fires in the old days they rubbed a soft wood and a hard wood together.
When we did the city walk we had to find the bridge of remembrance.

Now What ?
To find out about different artists.

Athletics Term Four Week Two.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had Kauai athletics.
A challenge I faced on athletics day was not knocking the bar in high jump.
My favorite event on the day was sprints because I got 4th in my race.
I am proud off trying my best.


WHAT?  We have been doing AVAILLL in the past week. AVAILLL is where we watch movies and do learning activities to do with the movie.

This is a photo of one of the activates it is called cartoon synopsis. In this activity we had to think of the 6 main points and draw each one in one of the boxes.

My next step is to use the things we lean in AVAILLL in other learning

C.A.R.E Values Blog, Week 8-9, term 3

My goal is to develop the consistent use of our CARE Values towards all the people I interact with and for myself .

  • My strengths are in being a person who strives for excellence because I am consistently on green on the traffic light, and I am a positive role mode.
  • I have achieved my bronze certificate.
  • I have almost achieved my silver certificate.

  • I am going to work towards contributing to class/ group discussion (A1)  because I don't contribute that often.
  • I am going to do this by contributing more often.


PE/Sport Blog, Week 6-7, term 3

You can use any of  following to help you complete your art attack blog

For PE/Sport my goals were to use:
  • Positive relationships with individuals or groups.
  • Positive teamwork


  • From the rubrics below choose where you think you are on the both of the rubrics.
    • PE: Relationships with individuals and groups
    • PE: Teamwork

Here is an example I was a leader not a follower when people were silly i was not

PE: Relationships with individuals and groups

I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  because I listen to what others suggest and try to carry this out.  I can give suggestions how to improve how we play

PE: Teamwork
I can interact confidently with others in a team and make individual compromises based on identifying ways to improve team outcomes.  I was able to identify ways we could improve when it felt like we were not playing as a team.  I could also listen carefully to advice from others to help us improve our game.

(don’t copy this: Write about some of the following things)
  • I will practice being positive if we are on the losing end.
  • I will participate more fully.

PE: Teamwork

I can interact confidently with others in a team and make individual compromises based on identifying ways to improve team outcomes.

I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.
Give repeated opportunities to practice.
PE: Relationships with individuals and groups

I can work in a group with anyone in my year level or team …
….and respond positively to the needs of others
Give repeated opportunities to practice.

Art Attack Blog, Week 5, term


For art attack my goal was to produce a piece of art related to our local landscape using either paint, water colour or pastel.

With Mrs Marsh I learned about foreground, mid ground and background in landscapes.
With Mr Forman I learned about colour and complementary colours.
With Mr Rule I looked at the different landscape features of Canterbury and Banks Peninsula.


  • What features I included in my art: flax and flowers in the foreground trees and pond in the mid ground and hills in the background.
  • I used paint / dry brushing
  • I am proud of completing my art
  • What I found easy was drawing the horizons


  • I would like to try water colour and pastel if I did another landscape because …I woud like to try something different.
  • I would like to get better at showing foreground, mid ground and background.


My learning Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3
My reading teacher is Mr Rule
My writing teacher is Mr Forman

So What?

My handwriting goal is to slope and flick consistently

My spelling goal is to complete list 6

My writing goals are to write about a moment in time using a picture prompt
                                use a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences
                                use a variety of verbs and adjectives to make my writing more interesting, and
                                precise nouns

My reading goal is to use several pieces of information to make inferences (on information not directly in the text).

My blog goals are  to  add more detail to my blog posts
                            to proofread and edit my blog post before publishing
                            to use a variety of ways to show my learning (text, photos/images, video)
                            to complete all the set blogs for this term
                            to do a ‘Can Do’ blog about an achievement, some other learning or something I   am proud of



What? we are learning about writing information reports, and organising our ides into paragraphs.

So What? I learnt that each paragraph has a topic sentences that tells you what the paragraph is about.

Now What? My next strep is to write a information report by my self using paragraphs correctly.


What?We are learning to write a rap about bulling.

So What?I have learnt how to make a rap rhyme .

Now what?Make a rap about other topics .

Dance Blog

IHBL: a hip routine
         a cha cha routine
         to combine different movements in to a dance routine to Treasure by Bruno Mars
         to combine different cha cha moves into a dance routine to cant stop the felling by Justin timber lake
So What?

       My favorite move was the Charleston.

        What I enjoyed most about Dean’s teaching was that he was funny.
        I found remembering the correct sequence for the dance routines challenging .

Now what?

        I would like to learn different types of dance


What ? I am learning about our new Literacy programme .
So what ? My reading teacher is Mr Forman. We meet on Tuesday and Thursday. My writing teacher is Mrs Marsh , we met every day after fitness .
Now what? Make progress with my current learning goal of 'Know the meaning of different words - use key words and context to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Reciprocal Reading

What? I am learning about reciprocal reading .

So What? I have been learning that reciprocal reading involves students being the  leader. Everyone is expected to contribute

Now What? Two things areas I want to get better at are clarification and prediction .

Te Reo Maori

What? we have been learning about Ko Au which means me myself and I.

So what? something I have learnt to say is  No Otautahi ahau (I am from Christchurch). Ko morgan toku hoa (my friend is Morgan).
Now what? My next learning step is to ask and answer questions confidently in Maori.

ANZAC Blog 1

What?  I am learning about Anzac Day as it is an important part of our learning about ‘Being a New Zealander’

So What?

Two things I know: Anzac day is on the 25 of April. Soldiers built trenches to protect themselves.

Two things I would like to know: How did the war start? Who ended the war?

Two things I have learned: Mrs McLeod 's granddad was in the war. That some people went to war at 17 years old.

Now What?

I would like to learn more about what weapons they use in the war …. because it sounds interesting.

Keeping Ourselves Safe blog

we are learning about keeping ourselves safe
so what?
There are 5 areas in KOS: confident me, safe of unsafe, No excuse for abuse, why should I tell,what have I learnt .
Now what? I have learnt there are lots of different types of abuse. For example, sexual, neglect, physical, emotional, cyber, and family violence. I also learnt how to keep safe.

Cloze blog

I am learning how to do a cloze activity to help me with my reading
Being able to make logical predictions about what word would fit correctly into a sentence is a successful reader strategy.

So What?
We use the following procedures:
  1. Read the whole text so that we can get an overall picture of the text.
  2. Re-read the text and think of words that would fit into the gaps. Write them down
  3. Look at the word list for this activity and see if I am correct / make changes

Now What?

I am at the following stage:

P = I need a little help. I prefer to look at the word list rather than have a go to predict the missing words. I have some confidence