C.A.R.E Values Blog, Week 8-9, term 3

My goal is to develop the consistent use of our CARE Values towards all the people I interact with and for myself .

  • My strengths are in being a person who strives for excellence because I am consistently on green on the traffic light, and I am a positive role mode.
  • I have achieved my bronze certificate.
  • I have almost achieved my silver certificate.

  • I am going to work towards contributing to class/ group discussion (A1)  because I don't contribute that often.
  • I am going to do this by contributing more often.


PE/Sport Blog, Week 6-7, term 3

You can use any of  following to help you complete your art attack blog

For PE/Sport my goals were to use:
  • Positive relationships with individuals or groups.
  • Positive teamwork


  • From the rubrics below choose where you think you are on the both of the rubrics.
    • PE: Relationships with individuals and groups
    • PE: Teamwork

Here is an example I was a leader not a follower when people were silly i was not

PE: Relationships with individuals and groups

I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  because I listen to what others suggest and try to carry this out.  I can give suggestions how to improve how we play

PE: Teamwork
I can interact confidently with others in a team and make individual compromises based on identifying ways to improve team outcomes.  I was able to identify ways we could improve when it felt like we were not playing as a team.  I could also listen carefully to advice from others to help us improve our game.

(don’t copy this: Write about some of the following things)
  • I will practice being positive if we are on the losing end.
  • I will participate more fully.

PE: Teamwork

I can interact confidently with others in a team and make individual compromises based on identifying ways to improve team outcomes.

I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.
Give repeated opportunities to practice.
PE: Relationships with individuals and groups

I can work in a group with anyone in my year level or team …
….and respond positively to the needs of others
Give repeated opportunities to practice.